Personal Computer World 2009 February
Browsers, Managers & Extensions
CookieSwap 0.5
Text File
1,186 lines
//interfaces we support
const nsIProfile = Components.interfaces.nsIProfile;
const nsISupports = Components.interfaces.nsISupports;
//class constants (obtained ID from http://extensions.roachfiend.com/cgi-bin/guid.pl)
const CLASS_ID = Components.ID("{5bec83aa-b019-4ff2-8e26-ec6de45aca4b}");
const CLASS_NAME = "CookieSwap Profile Manager";
const CONTRACT_ID = "@cookieswap.mozdev.org/profile/manager-service;1";
function cookieswap_dbg(str)
//To log to the javascript console (Tools->Error Console) use these lines
//var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]
// .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService);
//consoleService.logStringMessage("[cookieswap]" + str );
dump("[CookieSwapProfMgr]" + str + "\n");
//class constructor
function CookieSwapProfileMgr() {
this._profileCount = 10; //TODO
this._profileContainer = CookieProfileContainer_getInstance();
//Show the currently active profile as active on the UI
this._currentProfile = this._profileContainer.getActiveProfileId();
//class definition
CookieSwapProfileMgr.prototype = {
_currentProfile: null,
_profileCount: null,
_profileContainer: null,
//property of nsIProfile interface (setter/getter methods)
get currentProfile() { return this._currentProfile; },
set currentProfile(aValue) { this.changeCurrentProfile(aValue); },
get profileCount() { return this._profileCount; },
//methods of nsIProfile interface
cloneProfile: function(profName) {
cookieswap_dbg("cloneProfile " + profName + "\n");
this._profileCount = this._profileCount + 1;
//---Only use the profName for CookieSwap
createNewProfile: function(profName, profDir, langCode, useExistingDir) {
cookieswap_dbg("Creating" + profName + "\n");
//---CookieSwap changes the definition of this method slightly. If
//--- canDeleteFile is true then the profile is completely deleted and
//--- removed as a profile. If canDeleteFile is false, then the contents
//--- (i.e. cookies) of the profile are deleted, but the profile still
//--- exists.
deleteProfile: function(profName, canDeleteFile) {
cookieswap_dbg("Deleting" + profName + "\n");
if (canDeleteFile == true)
cookieswap_dbg("Not implemented...Deleting profile and file\n");
cookieswap_dbg("Deleting cookies associated with " + profName + "\n");
var req_profile = this._profileContainer.getProfile(profName);
if (req_profile != null)
//Clear all cookies in the requested profile
cookieswap_dbg("Invalid profile name [" + profName + "] passed in\n");
getProfileList: function(obj) {
var profile_array = new Array();
//Populate the UI with the profiles available
for(var i=0; i<this._profileContainer.getNumOfProfiles(); i++)
profile_array[i] = this._profileContainer.getProfileName(i);
cookieswap_dbg("Returning profile: " + profile_array[i]);
obj.value = profile_array.length;
return profile_array;
profileExists: function(profName) {
if (profName == "test")
return true;
return false;
renameProfile: function(oldProfName, newProfName) {
cookieswap_dbg("Rename from " + oldProfName + " to " + newProfName + "\n");
shutDownCurrentProfile: function(type) {
cookieswap_dbg("Shutdown type= " + type + "\n");
//Private methods of CookieSwapProfileMgr (not part of an exposed Interface)
notifyObserversOfSwap: function(profName) {
//Notify all the observers of the new profiles swapped in
.notifyObservers(null, "cookieswap_swap", profName);
changeCurrentProfile: function(profName) {
cookieswap_dbg("changeCurrentProfile to " + profName + "\n");
this._currentProfile = profName;
cookieswap_dbg("START switchProfile to " + profName);
var old_profile_id = this._profileContainer.getActiveProfileId();
var new_profile_id = profName;
//First thing to do is copy all the cookies from the browser and
// save them to the profile being swapped out
if (old_profile_id != INVALID_PROFILE_ID)
cookieswap_dbg("Starting copyFromBrowser");
var old_profile = this._profileContainer.getProfile(old_profile_id);
//The only normal case where this should happen is if the browser crashes
// during a swap and we come up and no profiles are active. On the next
// first swap, the old profile will be INVALID
cookieswap_dbg("Profile out is invalid...an ERROR if not the first swap after a crash");
//Next thing to do is to remove the cookies from the browser and copy
// in all the cookies associated with the profile being swapped in.
//BUT, first ensure we set the ActiveProfileID to INVALID so that if
// we were to crash, all our profiles will be intact in persistent
// memory and we won't come up thinking that the cookies in the browers
// are associated with any profile.
cookieswap_dbg("Setting to INVALID_PROFILE_ID");
//Remove all the browser cookies
if (new_profile_id != INVALID_PROFILE_ID)
//Now swap in the cookies from the profile to the browser
var new_profile = this._profileContainer.getProfile(new_profile_id);
cookieswap_dbg("Starting copyToBrowser");
cookieswap_dbg("Setting activeProfileID to " + new_profile_id);
cookieswap_dbg("Swap from profile " + old_profile_id + " to " + new_profile_id + " complete");
alert("[cookieswap] Internal error, profile in is invalid...no cookies swapped in");
cookieswap_dbg("END switchProfile");
//method of nsISupports interface
QueryInterface: function(aIID)
if (!aIID.equals(nsIProfile) &&
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
//Factory definition
var CookieSwapProfileMgrFactory = {
createInstance: function (aOuter, aIID)
cookieswap_dbg("Creation" + "\n");
if (aOuter != null)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_AGGREGATION;
return (new CookieSwapProfileMgr()).QueryInterface(aIID);
//module definition (xpcom registration)
var CookieSwapProfileMgrModule = {
_firstTime: true,
registerSelf: function(aCompMgr, aFileSpec, aLocation, aType)
if (this._firstTime) {
this._firstTime = false;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_FACTORY_REGISTER_AGAIN;
aCompMgr = aCompMgr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar);
aCompMgr.registerFactoryLocation(CLASS_ID, CLASS_NAME, CONTRACT_ID, aFileSpec, aLocation, aType);
unregisterSelf: function(aCompMgr, aLocation, aType)
aCompMgr = aCompMgr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIComponentRegistrar);
aCompMgr.unregisterFactoryLocation(CLASS_ID, aLocation);
getClassObject: function(aCompMgr, aCID, aIID)
if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIFactory))
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
if (aCID.equals(CLASS_ID))
return CookieSwapProfileMgrFactory;
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
canUnload: function(aCompMgr) { return true; }
//module initialization
function NSGetModule(aCompMgr, aFileSpec) { return CookieSwapProfileMgrModule; }
function cookieswap_removeAllCookies()
var cookie_mgr = ffGetCookieManager();
cookieswap_dbg("All cookies removed");
// *****************************************************************************
// * CookieProfileContainer Class *
// * *
// ************************** Coding Standards *********************************
// * gMyVariable - global variable (starts with "g", then mixed case) *
// * myVariable - variables passed into functions *
// * my_variable - local variable inside of a function *
// * this.myVariable - class attributes/variable (mixed case & always *
// * referenced with "this.") *
// * MyFunction - functions are always mixed case *
// * MY_CONSTANT - constants are all caps with underscores *
// * *
// *************************** Revision History ********************************
// * Name Date BugzID Action *
// * --------- --------- ----- ------ *
// * SteveTine 28Dec2005 12561 Initial Creation *
// * SteveTine 30Sep2006 15281 Dealing with difference in moveTo on Linux *
// * *
// ************************* BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *******************************
// * Version: MPL 1.1 *
// * *
// *The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version*
// * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with *
// * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
// * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ *
// * *
// * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,*
// * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License *
// * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the *
// * License. *
// * *
// * The Original Code is the CookieSwap Mozilla/Firefox Extension *
// * *
// * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is *
// * Steven Tine. *
// * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006 *
// * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. *
// * *
// * Contributor(s): Steven Tine *
// * *
// **************************END LICENSE BLOCK**********************************
//Static instance attribute
var gCookieProfileContainer_instance = null;
const COOKIE_SWAP_DIR_NAME="CookieSwap";
const COOKIE_SWAP_DIR_PERMISSIONS = 0700; //The dir is user r/w/x only
const COOKIE_FILE_PREFACE="cookies_"; //All profile files start with this string
const INACT_COOKIE_FILE_EXT="txt"; //Inactive profiles have this file extension
const ACTV_COOKIE_FILE_EXT="tx1"; //Active profiles have this file extension
//-------------------CookieProfileContainer class def---------------------
//The CookieProfileContainer class handles keeping track of where all the CookieProfiles
// are stored and determining which profile is active.
// It also enables the user to add/remove profiles.
//This class is a singleton, so there is only one in existance. Use the
// CookieProfileContainer_getInstance() to get the instance of the class.
function CookieProfileContainer()
//Define a debug function for the class...change true/false to turn it on/off
this.classDump=function(s){true ? cookieswap_dbg("[CookieProfileContainer]" + s) : (s)}
//This is the way to call the debug function
this.classDump("START ctor");
this.profileArray = new Array();
this.activeProfileId = INVALID_PROFILE_ID;
//This will get the directory of the current Mozilla profile.
// We'll put the CookieSwap dir under there since Firefox's cookies.txt file
// is stored in this profile dir.
this.profileDir = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"]
.get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
//If the CookieSwap directory doesn't exist, this is the first time that
// the CookieSwap extension has run. Create the directory and also
// create the default profile files.
if( (this.profileDir.exists() != true) || (this.profileDir.isDirectory() != true) )
this.classDump("First time CookieSwap has been run...creating " + COOKIE_SWAP_DIR_NAME);
//Create the directory
this.profileDir.create(Components.interfaces.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, COOKIE_SWAP_DIR_PERMISSIONS);
//Make a few copies of the directory handle
var def_profile1 = this.profileDir.clone()
var def_profile2 = this.profileDir.clone()
var def_profile3 = this.profileDir.clone()
//Append the filenames to the directory
//Now create the default files
def_profile1.create(Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, COOKIE_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
def_profile2.create(Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, COOKIE_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
def_profile3.create(Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, COOKIE_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
//Let's enumerate through all the files in the CookieSwap directory
var files = this.profileDir.directoryEntries;
var i=0;
this.classDump("Recursing the profileDir..." + files.hasMoreElements());
while (files.hasMoreElements())
//Get the next file an QI to a nsIFile object
var curr_file = files.getNext();
//Convert to convient String
var file_name = new String(curr_file.leafName);
this.classDump("--File located...Name=" + file_name);
//Now split off the preface of the filename used for cookie files
var fname_split = file_name.split(COOKIE_FILE_PREFACE);
this.classDump("Num of split is " + fname_split.length);
//If the split found the preface, then the file is likely a cookie file
if (fname_split.length > 1)
//Now split off the extension so we can get the extension and the profile name
// If we find more than that, the file is not valid...likely a swap file
// left around when someone edited the valid cookie file
var profile_name = fname_split[1].split(".");
//At this point, profile_name[0]=ProfileName, profile_name[1]=file extension
// if there are more than 2 elements in the split then we don't have the
// above scenario...not valid
if(profile_name.length == 2)
this.classDump("Profile #" + i + " : Name=" + profile_name[0] + ", ext=" + profile_name[1]);
//We have a valid cookie profile file...create the CookieProfile object
this.profileArray[i] = new Object();
this.profileArray[i].profile = new CookieProfile(curr_file);
this.profileArray[i].name = profile_name[0];
//If the file extension shows it as active, track it
if (profile_name[1] == ACTV_COOKIE_FILE_EXT)
this.classDump("Profile #" + i + " is active");
this.activeProfileId = this.profileArray[i].name;
//Increment the valid profile counter
//This is the way to call the debug function
this.classDump("END ctor");
//This "static" method returns the singleton instance of this class
function CookieProfileContainer_getInstance()
if (gCookieProfileContainer_instance == null)
//If this is the first time this method is being called, create the singleton
// instance of the class and return it.
gCookieProfileContainer_instance = new CookieProfileContainer();
return gCookieProfileContainer_instance;
//This method returns the number of profiles that exist in this container.
CookieProfileContainer.prototype.getNumOfProfiles = function()
//This method returns a string that is the name of the profileID passed in.
// null is returned if the profileID is invalid.
CookieProfileContainer.prototype.getProfileName = function(profileNum)
if (profileNum < this.profileArray.length)
this.classDump("Invalid Num (" + profileNum + ") passed in to getProfileName of " + this.profileArray.length);
//This method returns a string that is the name of the profileID passed in.
// null is returned if the profileID is invalid.
CookieProfileContainer.prototype.getProfileNum = function(profileId)
if (profileId != INVALID_PROFILE_ID)
//Search the profileArray for the passed in ID
for(var i=0; i<this.profileArray.length; i++)
if (this.profileArray[i].name == profileId)
prof_num = i; //Found the profileName
//If after searching the array we still didn't find the ID...it's an error
if (prof_num == INVALID_PROFILE_NUM)
this.classDump("ERROR Invalid Name '" + profileId + "' passed in to getProfileNum. Len=" + this.profileArray.length);
//This method returns a CookieProfile class object corresponding to the profileID
// passed in. If not profile with that profileID exists, null is returned.
CookieProfileContainer.prototype.getProfile = function(profileId)
var profile_num = this.getProfileNum(profileId);
if (profile_num < this.profileArray.length)
this.classDump("Invalid ID (" + profileId + "which translated to " + profile_num + ") passed in to getProfile of " + this.profileArray.length);
//This method adds the passed in CookieProfile object passed in to the containder.
// The profile ID is returned.
CookieProfileContainer.prototype.addProfile = function(profileName)
this.classDump("--UNIMPLEMENTED METHOD---- addProfile()");//Still need to perform file operations
//The next availabe index in the array is the length
//var next_index = this.profileArray.length;
CookieProfileContainer.prototype.removeProfile = function(profileId)
this.classDump("--UNIMPLEMENTED METHOD---- removeProfile()");//Still need to perform file operations
if (profileId < this.profileArray.length)
var i;
var array_len = this.profileArray.length;
//In order to keep the profiles in numerical order, remove the profile
// and shift all the other profiles up.
//[TODO] Not sure if this is the right thing to do because other classes
// may have references to the old profileIDs....
for(i=profileId; i<(profile_len - 1); i++)
//One by one shift up the profiles in the array
this.profileArray[i].profile = this.profileArray[i+1].profile;
this.profileArray[i].name = this.profileArray[i+1].name;
//Now null out the last entry in the array
this.profileArray[i].profile = null;
this.profileArray[i].name = null;
this.classDump("Invalid ID passed in to getProfile");
//Returns the profileID of the active profile
CookieProfileContainer.prototype.getActiveProfileId = function()
//Changes the active profile to the profileID pased in. The active profileID
// is returned. If it doesn't match the profileId passed in, then it was
// not accepted as a valid profile to make active.
CookieProfileContainer.prototype.setActiveProfileId = function(new_profile_id)
this.classDump("START setActiveProfileId( " + new_profile_id + ")");
var old_profile_id = this.activeProfileId;
var old_profile_num = this.getProfileNum(old_profile_id);
this.classDump("Old profile '" + old_profile_id + "' is num " + old_profile_num);
var new_profile_num = this.getProfileNum(new_profile_id);
this.classDump("New profile '" + new_profile_id + "' is num " + new_profile_num);
//If the currently active profile is valid, rename that profile's filename to indicate
// that is no longer the active profile
if ((old_profile_id != INVALID_PROFILE_ID) && (old_profile_num < this.profileArray.length))
this.classDump("START rename of old profile");
var i = old_profile_num;
var fileHandle = this.profileArray[i].profile.getFileHandle();
//Renaming to inactive filename
this.classDump("Renaming " + this.profileArray[i].name + " (old profile)");
this.profileArray[i].profile.setFileHandle(this.moveFile(fileHandle, COOKIE_FILE_PREFACE + this.profileArray[i].name + "." + INACT_COOKIE_FILE_EXT));
//If the new profileID is valid, rename that profile's file to indicate that it
// is the active profile
if ((new_profile_num != INVALID_PROFILE_NUM) && (new_profile_num < this.profileArray.length))
var i = new_profile_num; //Rename new_profile_num to a shorter var
var fileHandle = this.profileArray[i].profile.getFileHandle();
//Renaming to active filename
this.classDump("Renaming " + this.profileArray[i].name + " (new profile)");
this.profileArray[i].profile.setFileHandle(this.moveFile(fileHandle, COOKIE_FILE_PREFACE + this.profileArray[i].name + "." + ACTV_COOKIE_FILE_EXT));
//The profile passed in is not valid.
//This is an error condition unless we are swapping to the INVALID_PROFILE_ID
if (new_profile_id != INVALID_PROFILE_ID)
this.classDump("ERROR Invalid ID '" + new_profile_id + "' passed in to setActiveProfileId");
new_profile_id = INVALID_PROFILE_ID; //Non-valid ID passed in, make it INVALID
this.activeProfileId = new_profile_id;
this.classDump("END setActiveProfileId( " + new_profile_id + ")");
CookieProfileContainer.prototype.moveFile = function(fileHandle, newFileName)
this.classDump("---move start (from '" + fileHandle.leafName + "' to '" + newFileName + "')---");
//Actually rename the file to the new name
fileHandle.moveTo(null, newFileName);
//On certain OSs (i.e. Linux), the call to moveTo does not update the fileHandle to point
// to the new file. In that case, update it manually
if (fileHandle.leafName != newFileName)
//Replace the existing filename portion of the path with the new filename portion of the path
newFilePath = fileHandle.path.replace(fileHandle.leafName, newFileName);
this.classDump("Needing to update fileHandle on this OS from '" + fileHandle.path + "' to '" + newFilePath);
//Create a new nsIFile object and point it to the new file
fileHandle = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
this.classDump("---move end---");
// *****************************************************************************
// * CookieProfile Class *
// * *
// ************************** Coding Standards *********************************
// * gMyVariable - global variable (starts with "g", then mixed case) *
// * myVariable - variables passed into functions *
// * my_variable - local variable inside of a function *
// * this.myVariable - class attributes/variable (mixed case & always *
// * referenced with "this.") *
// * MyFunction - functions are always mixed case *
// * MY_CONSTANT - constants are all caps with underscores *
// * *
// *************************** Revision History ********************************
// * Name Date BugzID Action *
// * --------- --------- ----- ------ *
// * SteveTine 28Dec2005 12561 Initial Creation *
// * SteveTine 11Jan2006 12720 Fixing the way session cookies are handled *
// * SteveTine 30Sep2006 15281 Adding setFileHandle method *
// * SteveTine 16Jan2006 Trac9 Create cs_Cookie instead of Cookie class *
// * *
// ************************* BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *******************************
// * Version: MPL 1.1 *
// * *
// *The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version*
// * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with *
// * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
// * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ *
// * *
// * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,*
// * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License *
// * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the *
// * License. *
// * *
// * The Original Code is the CookieSwap Mozilla/Firefox Extension *
// * *
// * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is *
// * Steven Tine. *
// * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006 *
// * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. *
// * *
// * Contributor(s): Steven Tine *
// * *
// **************************END LICENSE BLOCK**********************************
const FLAGS_PR_RDONLY = 0x01; //Open for reading only.
const FLAGS_PR_WRONLY = 0x02; //Open for writing only.
const FLAGS_PR_RDWR = 0x04; //Open for reading and writing.
const FLAGS_PR_CREATE_FILE = 0x08; //If the file does not exist, the file is created.
const FLAGS_PR_APPEND = 0x10; //The file pointer is set to the end of the file prior to each write.
const FLAGS_PR_TRUNCATE = 0x20; //If the file exists, its length is truncated to 0.
const FLAGS_PR_SYNC = 0x40; //If set, each write will wait for both the file data and file status
// to be physically updated.
const FLAGS_PR_EXCL = 0x80; //With PR_CREATE_FILE, if the file does not exist, the file is created.
// If the file already exists, no action and NULL is returned
const COOKIE_FILE_PERMISSIONS = 0600; //User read/write only (matches Linux cookies.txt file perm)
const CS_NEW_LINE = "\n"; //"\r\n"
"#This file was created by the CookieSwap extension...see cookieswap.mozdev.org" + CS_NEW_LINE +
"#NOTE: if this file's extension is 'tx1' then this is an" + CS_NEW_LINE +
"# active profile and the cookies in here are old and will be overwritten by the " + CS_NEW_LINE +
"# cookies being managed by the browser" + CS_NEW_LINE;
//-------------CookieProfile class definition--------------
//This class abstracts the idea of how a profile is persistently stored. This class
// also knows how to copy cookies to/from the browser.
//Input: fileName - nsIFile object where the persistent info of this class is stored
function CookieProfile(fileName)
//Define a debug function for the class...change true/false to turn it on/off
this.classDump=function(s){true ? cookieswap_dbg("[CookieProfile]" + s) : (s)}
//This is the way to call the debug function
this.classDump("START ctor");
//--Create some attributes
//nsIFile object identifying where the persistent info of this class is stored
this.fileName = fileName;
//We need to keep track of if this is the first time this profile is being
// swapped in for this running of the browser. If the user just started
// the browser up and they are swapping in this profile for the first time,
// "session" cookies (one that expire at the end of the browser session) should
// not be swapped in (they should be deleted).
//But, if the session cookies were swapped out to this profile in the same browser
// session, then they should be swapped in also.
this.cookiesCameFromThisSession = false;
this.classDump("END ctor");
//Returns NsIFile
CookieProfile.prototype.getFileHandle = function()
//Sets the NsIFile
CookieProfile.prototype.setFileHandle = function(newFile)
this.fileName = newFile;
CookieProfile.prototype.clearAllCookies = function()
//To clear all the cookies in this profile, create an empty file (which
// removes the old file) and then just close it.
var file_stream = this.getEmptyFile();
CookieProfile.prototype.getEmptyFile = function()
var file_out_stream = ffGetFileOutputStream();
//Create an empty file that will contain the profile's cookies
this.classDump("opening " + this.fileName.leafName + " for writing");
file_out_stream.init(this.fileName, COOKIE_FILE_WRITE_FLAGS, COOKIE_FILE_PERMISSIONS, 0);
//Write the header to the file
tmp_string = COOKIE_FILE_HDR;
file_out_stream.write(tmp_string, tmp_string.length);
this.classDump("Header written");
return(file_out_stream); //It is assumed the caller will call file_out_stream.close()
//NOTE this method will copy all the cookies in the Profile to the browser. It
// will NOT delete the cookies currently in the browser so the caller should
// remove the browser cookies first if that is desired.
CookieProfile.prototype.copyToBrowser = function()
var istream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]
var cookie_svc=ffGetCookieService();
var i=0;
var file_valid=true;
this.classDump("Opening " + this.fileName.leafName + " file for reading");
this.classDump("Open, converting to nsILineInputStream");
catch (e)
this.classDump("init failed=>" + e);
if (file_valid == true)
//read lines into array
var line = {};
var hasmore;
hasmore = istream.readLine(line);
var str_line = new String(line.value); //Convert to a more convienent String object
//this.classDump("DataRead(" + str_line.length + ")=" + str_line);
//Make sure there is data on the line and it is not a comment
if ((str_line.length > 0) && (str_line.charAt(0) != '#'))
var curr_cookie = new cs_Cookie(str_line);
if (curr_cookie.isValid == true)
//If the cookies in the profile file did not come from this session of the browser
// and they are session cookies, then we don't want to swap them in.
if ((this.cookiesCameFromThisSession == false) && (curr_cookie.isSessionCookie() == true) )
this.classDump("Excluding session cookie from swap because we are running a new" +
"browser session (" + curr_cookie.getCookieString() + ")" );
//this.classDump("Adding cookie=" + curr_cookie.getCookieUrl().spec + "=>" + curr_cookie.getCookieString());
i++; //Increment the valid cookie count
this.classDump("Non-comment line was invalid => " + str_line);
} while(hasmore);
alert("[CookieSwap] Warning, unable to locate file associated with selected profile.\n" +
"Expected filename=" + this.fileName.leafName + "\n" +
"Full path=" + this.fileName.path);
this.classDump("Unable to open " + this.fileName.path);
this.classDump("Copied " + i + " cookies from the profile to the browser" );
//This method will copy all the cookies in the browser's memory to the
// persistent storage of this profile (replacing all that were
// currently in the storage)
CookieProfile.prototype.copyFromBrowser = function()
var cookie_mgr = ffGetCookieManager();
var cookie_iter = cookie_mgr.enumerator;
var curr_cookie;
var i;
var file_out_stream = this.getEmptyFile(); //Empty file to store the cookies
for (i=0;cookie_iter.hasMoreElements();i++)
curr_cookie = cookie_iter.getNext();
//Cast the cookie (sorry for the "C" term) to an nsICookie
if (curr_cookie instanceof Components.interfaces.nsICookie)
var tmp_string;
var tmp_cookie;
//this.classDump("Constructing new cookie");
//Conver the cookie to a "cs_Cookie" class so we can get the FileString
tmp_cookie = new cs_Cookie(curr_cookie);
//this.classDump("I have the new cookie");
//Append the cookie to the global cookie store
tmp_string = tmp_cookie.getCookieFileString() + CS_NEW_LINE;
file_out_stream.write(tmp_string, tmp_string.length);
tmp_string = tmp_cookie.getCookieUrl().spec + CS_NEW_LINE +
tmp_cookie.getCookieString() + CS_NEW_LINE;
//Need to keep track that the cookies in the profile were taken from this
// running of the browser session. See the attribute definition for more
// details on this.
this.cookiesCameFromThisSession = true;
this.classDump("Copied " + i + " cookies from browser to the profile file");
// *****************************************************************************
// * cs_Cookie Class *
// * *
// ************************** Coding Standards *********************************
// * gMyVariable - global variable (starts with "g", then mixed case) *
// * myVariable - variables passed into functions *
// * my_variable - local variable inside of a function *
// * this.myVariable - class attributes/variable (mixed case & always *
// * referenced with "this.") *
// * MyFunction - functions are always mixed case *
// * MY_CONSTANT - constants are all caps with underscores *
// * *
// *************************** Revision History ********************************
// * Name Date BugzID Action *
// * --------- --------- ----- ------ *
// * SteveTine 28Dec2005 12561 Initial Creation *
// * SteveTine 11Jan2006 12720 Fixing the way session cookies are handled *
// * SteveTine 16Jan2007 Trac9 Changing class name to avoid name clash *
// * *
// ************************* BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *******************************
// * Version: MPL 1.1 *
// * *
// *The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version*
// * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with *
// * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
// * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ *
// * *
// * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,*
// * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License *
// * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the *
// * License. *
// * *
// * The Original Code is the CookieSwap Mozilla/Firefox Extension *
// * *
// * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is *
// * Steven Tine. *
// * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006 *
// * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. *
// * *
// * Contributor(s): Steven Tine *
// * *
// **************************END LICENSE BLOCK**********************************
//The Date class takes milliseconds, while cookies are stored in seconds. Use
// this define to convert from sec to ms.
const SEC_TO_MS_MULT = 1000;
const TAB_FIELD = "\t";
//-------------------cs_Cookie class def---------------------
// This file contains the definition of the "cs_Cookie" class which
// provides the ability to input a nsICookie or String consisting of a cookie
// line in a storage file. It can then output the cookie in numerous
// styles:
// getCookieString-The string style needed by CookieService.setCookieString()
// getCookieUrl- URI used by CookieService.setCookieString()
// getCookieFileString-The string style used for storing a cookie in a file
//"cookie" can be a NsICookie or it can be a string that corresponds
// to the cookie file string returned from a previous instance of
// this cookie's getCookieFileString() call.
function cs_Cookie(cookie)
//Define a debug function for the class...change true/false to turn it on/off
this.classDump=function(s){true ? cookieswap_dbg("[cs_Cookie]" + s) : (s)}
//This is the way to call the debug function
this.classDump("START cs_Cookie ctor");
this.isValid = false; //Init cookieValid flag to false...the code below will
// change to true if it is found to be valid
//I'm not sure how to override methods in javascript, so I'll use a run-time
// type check to do it
if (cookie instanceof Components.interfaces.nsICookie)
//Fill in the attributes of the class based on the attributes of the cookie
this.expires = cookie.expires;
this.host = cookie.host;
this.isDomain = cookie.isDomain;
this.isSecure = cookie.isSecure;
this.name = cookie.name;
this.path = cookie.path;
this.policy = cookie.policy;
this.status = cookie.status;
this.value = cookie.value;
this.isValid = true; //Looks like a good cookie...mark it as valid
if (cookie.charAt(0) != '#') //Comment lines start with a "#"
//Cookie File string format is:
// domain <tab> tailmatch <tab> path <tab> secure <tab> expires <tab> name <tab> value
// [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
var fields=cookie.split(TAB_FIELD);
//The split should find at least 6 fields...if not, it is not a valid string
if (fields.length >= 6)
this.host = fields[0];
this.path = fields[2];
this.isSecure = fields[3]=="TRUE" ? true : false;
this.expires = fields[4];
this.isDomain = this.host.charAt(0) == '.' ? true : false;
this.name = fields[5];
this.policy = null; //Information is not in the cookieString (I think)
this.status = null; //Information is not in the cookieString (I think)
this.value = fields[6];
this.isValid = true; //Looks like a good cookie...mark it as valid
this.classDump("Cookie split length is only " + fields.length + " not 6+ in =>" + cookie);
this.classDump("END cs_Cookie ctor...cookie is " + this.isValid);
//Public Methods
//--------------cs_Cookie class methods-------------------
cs_Cookie.prototype.getCookieFileString = function()
this.classDump("START getCookieFileString()");
//Cookie File format is:
// domain <tab> tailmatch <tab> path <tab> secure <tab> expires <tab> name <tab> value
var cookie_string;
var tailmatch = this.host.charAt(0) == '.' ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
var is_secure = this.isSecure ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
cookie_string = this.host + TAB_FIELD +
tailmatch + TAB_FIELD +
this.path + TAB_FIELD +
is_secure + TAB_FIELD +
this.expires + TAB_FIELD +
this.name + TAB_FIELD +
this.classDump("END getCookieFileString()");
//This method returns a string that captures all the attributes of the cookie. It is a
// string that can be used in the setCookieString method of the Cookie Service
cs_Cookie.prototype.getCookieString = function()
this.classDump("START getCookieString()");
var cookie_string;
cookie_string = this.name + "=" + this.value + ";";
//Domain cookies are those that start with ".", like ".google.com"
if (this.host.charAt(0) == '.')
cookie_string = cookie_string + "domain=" + this.host + ";";
//Cookies with an expiration of 0 are "session cookies" that expire at the end of the
// session. Leaving the "expires=" off the string will cause the browser to treat
// it as such.
if (this.expires != 0)
cookie_string = cookie_string + "expires=" + (new Date(SEC_TO_MS_MULT * this.expires)) + ";";
cookie_string = cookie_string + "path=" + this.path + ";";
if (this.isSecure == true)
cookie_string = cookie_string + "secure;";
this.classDump("cookie_string=>" + cookie_string + "\nEND getCookieString()");
return (cookie_string);
//This method returns a nsIURI object that is the URL of the cookie
cs_Cookie.prototype.getCookieUrl = function()
this.classDump("START getCookieUrl()");
var uri = ffGetStandardUrl();
//In the uri.spec, specify https if secure or http if not
var http_proto = this.isSecure ? "https://" : "http://";
uri.spec = http_proto + this.host + this.path;
this.classDump("uri.spec=>" + uri.spec + "\nEND getCookieUrl()");
//This method will return if the cookie is a "session" cookie (on that expires
// at the end of the session) or not
cs_Cookie.prototype.isSessionCookie = function()
//A session cookie is one with an expiration time of 0
return(this.expires == 0 ? true : false);
// *****************************************************************************
// * ffComponents *
// * This file provides functions to get easy access to the Mozilla/Firefox(ff)*
// * components (like nsICookieManager and nSICookieService) *
// * Obviously these functions aren't doing much work they just help to *
// * keep the code looking cleaner in the other files. *
// * Ideally these would be "C" Macros but I'm not sure how to do that *
// * in Javascript yet. *
// * *
// ************************** Coding Standards *********************************
// * gMyVariable - global variable (starts with "g", then mixed case) *
// * myVariable - variables passed into functions *
// * my_variable - local variable inside of a function *
// * this.myVariable - class attributes/variable (mixed case & always *
// * referenced with "this.") *
// * MyFunction - functions are always mixed case *
// * MY_CONSTANT - constants are all caps with underscores *
// * *
// *************************** Revision History ********************************
// * Name Date BugzID Action *
// * --------- --------- ----- ------ *
// * SteveTine 2005Dec28 12561 Initial Creation *
// * *
// ************************* BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *******************************
// * Version: MPL 1.1 *
// * *
// *The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version*
// * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with *
// * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *
// * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ *
// * *
// * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,*
// * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License *
// * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the *
// * License. *
// * *
// * The Original Code is the CookieSwap Mozilla/Firefox Extension *
// * *
// * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is *
// * Steven Tine. *
// * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006 *
// * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. *
// * *
// * Contributor(s): Steven Tine *
// * *
// **************************END LICENSE BLOCK**********************************
function ffGetCookieManager()
function ffGetCookieService()
function ffGetStandardUrl()
function ffGetDirectoryServiceProvider()
function ffGetFileOutputStream()